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Add row

To add a row, click on the New button in the bottom left hand corner of the table.

Delete row

To delete a row, click the three dots button on the left side of a row. Then click the Delete button.

Sort rows

Rows can be sorted by columns in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order. To sort by a column, click on a column header. Click Ascending to sort in ascending order, or Descending to sort in descending order. Clicking on multiple columns will apply the sort in the order the columns were clicked.

To remove a sort, click the x next inside of a sort bubble in the upper left hand corner.

Filter rows

Filter rules

Rows may be filtered by filter rules. To begin, click Filter in the upper right hand corner. Click the plus button to add a new filter. You can add as many filters as you want.

Filters have logical operators and and or. and means that all of the filter rules must be true for the row to be included. or means that any of the filter rules must be true for the row to be included.

Search input

Rows can be filtered by search input. This is useful when you have a large table and want to find a specific row.

To filter rows by search, click on the manigifying glass button in the top right corner of the table. This will open an input where you can enter a search term. The table will then be filtered to only show rows that contain the search term. A row is consider a match if the text matches any of the cells in the row.

Reorder rows