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DataLoom allows you to import data from existing Markdown or CSV sources. You may import data from a file or from the clipboard.

  1. Select the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of the loom
  2. Select Import
  3. Choose a data type: Markdown or CSV
  4. Choose a data source: File or Paste from clipboard
  5. Select the file you wish to import or paste the data from your clipboard
  6. If you are importing by CSV, you may toggle the First row contains headers option. If this option is toggled on, the first row of the CSV will be used as the column headers. If this option is toggled off, the columns will be named Column 1, Column 2, etc.
  7. A table will be rendered from the imported data. Match each column to a column in your loom
  8. Select Finish

Match columns

A column is considered matched when it is assigned to a column in the loom or when it is toggled off. You can toggle a column off by selecting the checkbox in the table header.

If you wish to toggle all columns off or on, select Toggle all.

To match a column, select the match icon on the right side of each column header. A dropdown will appear with all of the columns in your loom. Select the column you wish to match to. If you wish to create a new column, select Insert new column.

After a column has been matched, it cannot be used by other columns. If you wish to assign a column to a different column, you must first unmatch the column. To unmatch a column, select Unmatch.